Smoothies are a great way to satisfy your hunger, while easily adding in your daily fruits and vegetables. Here are some of the best ingredients for smoothies, and a few recipes that you’ll love.
High Protein Ingredients: Pack... (Read More)
Given the choice between being dirty and clean, you know your dog would choose to be like the character Pigpen from "Peanuts," 24/7.
But of course, you'd prefer things to be a little more civilized in your house. That in mind, bathing your dog... (Read More)
We all look forward to a bath. It's a rare treat to break up our morning, day or evening, and enjoy the relaxation of a good soak. And no one does baths better than Young Living.
Start your bath with our Lavender Bath & Shower Gel. Typically, it... (Read More)
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), being physically active can play a major role in preventing heart disease and stroke, the number one and number five killers in the United States. So what’s an easy way for you to get up and... (Read More)
As we turn the calendar toward year’s end, there is generally plenty of excitement—and not a little nervousness. That’s because the holidays are upon us.
Some of you will prepare meals for your family and friends, which might add pressure... (Read More)
A productive day isn’t just about getting a lot done, it’s about getting the important stuff done — and it doesn’t happen by accident. You need to have an effective plan in place for annihilating that to-do list and finding greater... (Read More)
When we formulated Thieves® Laundry Soap, there were two major questions we asked ourselves: what ingredients do we include? And, almost as importantly, what ingredients do we leave out?
Like other products in Young Living’s household cleaner... (Read More)
Pets are our best friends. Our confidants. They're the ones who cheerily greet us every morning, only asking for love (and a few kibbles) in return. So, it’s important that we use the same natural products to care for them that we would our... (Read More)
We love Helichrysum; it’s in some of our favorite blends such as Deep Relief™, but it’s also fabulous on its own. A little bit earthy, a little bit herby, its invigorating aroma can chase away the sluggish energy in a room. And that’s just... (Read More)